eye screening UNIT
The Eye Screening Unit is a comprehensive eye care service that focuses on providing convenient and affordable eye screenings to various segments of the population. The business consists of four units: a Vision Screening Unit, a School Screening Unit, a Comprehensive Eye Screening Unit (CESU), and a Corporate Eye Screening Unit. Each unit is designed to address specific needs and promote eye health within different communities.
what to expect at screening
Your appointment lasts approximately 30-45 minutes.
Basic vision eyes test and dilation of your eyes
Digital photographs of the back of your eyes will be taken.
Photographs are reviewed by trained professionals including certified graders and doctors.
Report will be emailed to your doctor or optometrist within 2 weeks of your visit.
Report will be email or printed for you

In 2020, Trinidad Eye Hospital signed an institution partnership with the Diabetes Association of Trinidad and Tobago (DATT). This partnership offers Free Diabetic Eye Screening to the members of DATT as well persons living with diabetes in communities across Trinidad and Tobago.
DATT Members also benefit from discounted prices as well as special considerations for TEH charity surgery events.